Camp Rules
Medical and Safety Information
Emergency phone number during camp meeting: 24 hours (707) 946-2452.
For your safety, do not trespass on surrounding properties to the camp.
Accidents and medical emergencies: Receive help from the Nurses’ Station adjacent to the Burger Bar or call 911.
Fire extinguishers are required for every campsite. For fire prevention, eight feet must separate all camping vehicles and tents. Always keep all roadways clear
Bicycles and ATVs are for staff and safety personnel only.
Railroad tracks are off limits to everyone.
Caution—camping comes with certain risks. At Redwood Camp Meeting we are invading an area normally occupied by everything from mountain lions to deer ticks. Please exercise caution while here. You can be exposed to diseases that you may not be at home. The local health department recommends that you check for ticks daily and do NOT swim in the river due to a high bacteria level. Do you know what poison oak looks like? It is all over the camp, so educate yourself!
Regarding Registration
Register all campers and guests staying in the campground at the Registration trailer. There is no extra fee for guests, just an eight-person maximum per site.
Check-in by signing the check-in form at the Registration trailer upon arrival. Pre-registered campers with a completed application form can go through fast track. A roster (including only those who have checked in) will be posted in front of the Registration trailer to help you locate friends. In addition to locating campers, this trailer handles battery recharges. The pumper truck sign-ups are at the Registration trailer. Incoming mail is handled by camp Headquarters.
Check out by turning in your parking permit to safety personnel at the gate or Registration trailer when your site is vacant.
Campers arriving after 9:00 p.m. or during Sabbath hours are requested to do only the minimum camp set-up required. Please respect the Sabbath and your fellow campers.
No show is when the check-in form is not signed. Two years of not signing the check-in form at the Registration trailer, and your site will be released to the camp for reassignment.
Register for Next Year!
Registration for Redwood Camp Meeting is going on for 2024. Pick up a 2024 form from the Registration trailer, or download a registration pdf at
Keep your same full-time site next year by submitting a completed application and the fee to the Registration trailer on or before April 30, prior to the next camp. Same full-time campsites are assigned to the registered person who has rented the site full-time for at least two consecutive years. Part-time, electrical, and special needs sites are excluded.
Can’t make it for a year and would like to maintain your same full-time site? Pay the fee, let us know you won’t be coming, and we will hold the site for you for that year.
Non-renewed sites revert back to registration for reassignment. They may not be resold, transferred, sublet, or given to anyone else. As sites become available, we will be adjusting them for more uniform sizing. Campers are not to move or remove site numbers or posts.
Moving during the year? Please let us know, so you won’t miss out on the reminder letter and application that we mail every spring. Bulk mail is not forwarded.
Save time in line: Schedule and pay for your RV pumps when you pay next year’s registration fee. Just add the correct dollar amount to your fee, let us know the dates you would like your vehicle to be pumped, and we’ll take care of it from there.
About Your Campsite
There is a maximum of eight persons per site.
Generators may be operated from 8:00-9:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m., and 5:00-7:00 p.m. Forest Service-approved spark arrestors and mufflers are required. There is a limit of 80 decibels per generator, or a muffling device is required. Please be courteous to your surrounding neighbors!
Quiet time is from 10:00-11:00 p.m. and curfew is from 11:00 p.m.-6:00 a.m. Children and teenagers are to be with an adult at these times.
Radios, TVs, and musical instruments are to be played so your neighbors cannot hear them.
Water hookups: If you wish to connect to a water faucet, you must bring a long hose and a “Y” connector. This is necessary so other campers can also have water.
Two vehicles are permitted per site. Extra vehicles may be parked in the field. Do not park in the roadway or in any empty site. The speed limit in the camp is 5 m.p.h.
Vehicle permits are to be displayed on the driver’s-side dash, and camping permits are to be attached to the tent or other camping devices at all times.
If you plan to leave any camping equipment or RVs after camp meeting, you must clear that with Redwood Caretaker before the end of camp meeting. Leave a message at Headquarters. It costs the camp money to dispose of trash. Do NOT leave any trash behind after camp meeting. The camp will have to pay for it, which increases costs for everyone.
Posts, numbers, trees, and shrubs are not to be moved, trimmed, or cut without prior camp
administration authorization. (See Headquarters.)
Rocks, holes, fences, and other objects that would make mowing difficult or dangerous must not be left in the campsites. These things get lost in the high grass and do serious damage to the equipment and are a safety risk to the operator! If found in your site, it will not be renewable, and a removal fee of $25 will be required before another site can be reserved
For Interest’s Sake
Hot showers are available! Please make a donation in the donation box located in each of the shower units.
Shuttle rides are here! Enjoy a trip around the camp without the walk. The shuttle makes scheduled runs daily. Please give preference to the elderly and those with disabilities.
Honey wagon: If you did not sign up on the application to dump your holding tanks, new signups will be handled at the Registration trailer: fee $25.
Get a charge: RV, truck, and car batteries can be charged for a $5 fee. Sign up at the Registration trailer and leave batteries there; then pick them up at the Registration trailer after they have been charged. No batteries will be accepted for charging at the shop.
Trash should be placed in the cans provided
Lost & Found is located in the Volunteer Labor office at Headquarters. Anything left will be disposed of after 30 days.
Internet connections are in the front of the Treasurer’s office next to the Store. Since each connection costs the camp money, contributions to camp expense would be appreciated. Instruction cards are posted. Ten-minute maximum.
All About People
What are your skills? Come by, fill out an application, and see if you can help now or in the future. Limited benefits provided. If you are interested, please contact the Volunteer Labor office located at Headquarters.
Church Potlucks: If you are looking for fellowship with a particular group, check out the bulletin boards throughout the camp. This is also the place to post a notice concerning an event you are hosting.
Teens and children are to be supervised at all times. A parent or adult guardian must be present in a site with children.
Children attending Redwood and not accompanied by a parent must bring a signed medical release.
Our neighbors love their privacy, children, and pets. Please drive slowly and carefully when going to and from your campsite.
Only with Permission
Private sales, meetings, literature handouts, and bulletin board posts must have prior Northern California Conference authorization. (See a representative at the Conference booths.) Literature distribution and/or stopping cars in the State Park area or on public roads violates local and state laws. Rangers may ticket you for such activities. Besides, stopping or slowing traffic is not good manners as it inconveniences people who are not connected with our camp and can leave a bad impression of who we are.
No lifeguard on duty! No swimming is allowed outside the designated area. Children are not to be near the river without adult supervision, and everyone is advised to AVOID swimming this year.
Zero Tolerance
Any type of illegal activity is strictly prohibited. Any offenders will be asked to leave the campground immediately and/or reported to the authorities.
Campfires: There are NO fires allowed at any time during camp.
Tobacco, alcohol, and drugs (other than those prescribed by a physician) are not allowed on the campgrounds. If a violation occurs, the entire family unit will be required to leave.
Foul language and disrespectful behavior may result in the entire family unit being required to leave.
No weapons, firearms, or fireworks are allowed on the campground. This includes realistic-looking imitation weapons or any device firing a projectile such as paintball guns, etc. Possession of these items may result in confiscation and/or the family unit being required to leave the grounds.
Notice: Registered sex offenders are not allowed on the campgrounds. If there is prior conviction of a sex offense, the offender will be requiredto leave. Furthermore, even if one has not been convicted of a sex offense but is deemed a significant enough risk, Redwood Camp Meeting will ask the individual to leave.
Attention Pet Owners
We welcome your friendly pets to Redwood Camp Meeting. To ensure the safety, comfort, and well being of our fellow campers, considerate pet owners who wish to bring their pets with them to Redwood Camp Meeting must agree to the following.
1. Do not bring or keep in the camp an aggressive pet or one that demonstrates aggressive behavior.
2. Clean up after your pet.
3. Keep pets in the designated areas of camp (except seeing-eye and other recognized service dogs).
4. Keep dogs on a leash at all times.
5. Do not allow your pet to disturb other campers with excessive noise at any time.
6. Within four weeks prior to camp meeting, provide written proof of current rabies vaccination for all dogs.
For the sake of your fellow campers, please do not bring a pet to Redwood Camp Meeting if you feel that you will be unable to comply with these rules.
When, in the determination of camp Security, the above requirements are not being met, pet owners may be required to remove the pet from the campground.
Service Animals Campers who desire to bring their service animals to Redwood Camp Meeting will be asked whether the animal is needed because of a disability and, if so, what specific task or tasks the animal is specially trained to perform to mitigate the disability. Please note that animals whose function is to provide comfort or emotional support (therapy animals) do not qualify as service animals and to falsify the qualifications of a service animal is a criminal offense. Campers with approved service animals shall only occupy campsites in the designated pet areas of the camp, and only service animals that have been approved in advance by the camp may accompany their disabled owners outside of the pet-designated areas of the camp. Service animals not accompanying their disabled owners and all other animals must remain in the designated pet areas while on the grounds during camp meeting.
Notice About Electrical Sites
Electrical sites are given on a first-come, first-served basis to those with a medical need. Those with a doctor’s notice confirming the medical need for electricity will get first priority. After medical needs requiring electricity have been filled, we will fill other requests, again on a first-come, first-served basis. Electricity is only available in limited locations throughout the camp.
Electricity is intended for medical equipment only! Lights and trickle battery chargers are the only other service that may be used. Electric outlets are 15 AMP usage, and they require only a regular household outdoor heavy-duty extension cord. Electrical service is not intended to run RVs, refrigerators, televisions, heaters, microwaves, hairdryers, crock-pots, or other cooking devices.
Electrical sites Fees There is an extra charge of $5 per day for part time campers only or $50 for full-time campers, which is added to the current camp fee. Electrical sites are reserved one year at a time, and the same site is not guaranteed from year to year.