Who is doing What
(names will be populated as we get closer)

TBD is running Division 1
TBD  is taking on Division 2
TBD  is taking on Division 4
TBD  is mastering Primary
TBD  is guiding Juniors
TBD  is herding Earliteen
TBD  is corralling Youth
TBD  is directing Young Adult

Gary Venden will be taking the early morning slot in Pepperwood(8:30)
TBD  for the first half of the week in Pepperwood (10:30 and 7:00)
TBD  for the second half in Pepperwood (10:30 and 7:00
TBD  estará hablando en la carpa hispana

TBD  will be having his eye over everything keeping us safe

Eddie Heinrich is bringing Summer on the Run (hopefully)

Chris Miller and the Fortuna Pathfinders will provide Food and some Store options

Salvador Alvarado is bring the ABC to Redwood - click here for more info

Gary Venden

8:30 am Speaker
Part of the evening music